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Neck Liftin Pittsburgh | Wexford, PA

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Neck Lift at Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of Pittsburgh

We all experience changes as we age, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t age on your own terms. The neck is one area that may show unwelcome signs of aging, like sagging skin, fat deposits, muscle banding, and loss of skin tone. With meticulous expertise and a commitment to personalized care, our experienced surgeons help our patients redefine the impact of aging, restoring firmness and grace to the neck area with our comprehensive face and neck lift procedure. Say goodbye to sagging skin, redefine your profile, and embrace a rejuvenated look that exudes confidence and elegance with a neck lift at Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of Pittsburgh.

Radiate Vitality

What is a Neck Lift?

Our At Aesthetics Plastic Surgery of Pittsburgh neck lift, also known as a lower rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic procedure aimed at improving visible signs of aging in the neck and jawline area. It specifically targets issues such as sagging skin, excess fat, muscle banding, and loss of definition along the jawline. Our surgeons typically perform a sophisticated combination of the neck lift and facelift procedure for comprehensive rejuvenation of the lower face and neck. The surgeon will generally create incisions concealed behind the ears or underneath the chin, allowing them to tighten underlying muscles, remove unwanted fat deposits, and re-drape the skin for a smoother, firmer appearance. This procedure helps address concerns like a "turkey neck," jowls, or loose skin around the neck, resulting in a more youthful and defined contour. Our surgeons perform their neck lifts in conjunction with facelifts for comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

Pittsburgh neck lift Model with black hair

Elegance at Every Age

What are the benefits of a Neck Lift?

Our Neck lift Pittsburgh patients are typically seeking to address signs of aging and rejuvenate the appearance of their neck and their jawline. The procedure can improve the appearance of the neck in several ways:

  • Reduction of Sagging Skin: A neck lift tightens and removes excess skin, reducing the appearance of sagging, loose skin, often referred to as a "turkey neck."
  • Improved Jawline Definition: By tightening underlying muscles and tissues, a neck lift can redefine the jawline, providing a more sculpted appearance.
  • Correction of Muscle Banding: It addresses visible muscle bands or cords in the neck, resulting in a smooth, even neck contour.
  • Reduction of Excess Fat: Excess fat deposits can be removed or repositioned, further enhancing the neck's appearance and contour.

By sculpting and smoothing the neck’s contours, this procedure can contribute to a more youthful and elegant appearance in the face and the entire upper body. Our surgeons design each procedure around the patient’s individual needs, ensuring results that complement and elevate your unique beauty.

Neck Lift Pittsburgh
Neck Lift Pittsburgh
Neck Lift Pittsburgh
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Bespoke Approaches

Your Neck Lift Consultation

To meet with one of our surgeons and discuss your aesthetic goals, we invite you to schedule your consultation at our location in Pittsburgh or Wexford today. We focus on providing the information and personalized guidance to help you make informed decisions about any treatment you pursue. Our board-certified surgeons are specialists in the neck lift procedure as well as many other methods of rejuvenating the face and neck area, and can present options tailored to your needs and preferences. We pride ourselves on providing a welcoming environment where you feel empowered to chart a path to your most confident self.

Pittsburgh neck lift Model wearing black shirt

Where Skill Becomes Artistry

Your Neck Lift Procedure

Depending on the technique and extent of correction needed, neck lift incisions are typically made behind the ears or beneath the chin (usually as part of a facelift), allowing access to underlying tissues while keeping scars discreet. The surgeon then carefully adjusts and tightens underlying muscles and tissues, as well as repositioning or reducing fat deposits for a more sleek contour. Each neck lift incorporates a combination of techniques designed to meet the unique needs of the patient. Once adjustments have been made to the underlying tissue, the skin is redraped over the newly contoured neck, and redundant skin is excised before the incisions are carefully closed.

Renew Your Reflection

Neck Lift Results

A neck lift typically offers long-lasting results, with the most significant benefits lasting as long as a decade or more. Your procedure is tailored to your needs, effectively addressing concerns like sagging skin, muscle banding, and excess fat on the neck or under the chin and providing firmer, more defined contours. The result is a more athletic, slender appearance that accentuates your facial features and enhances your profile. Establishing a good skincare routine, protecting your skin from the sun, and living a healthy lifestyle can help you enjoy your results for many years into the future, offering a revived sense of confidence in your appearance.

Here for You

Neck Lift Recovery and Aftercare

Good aftercare ensures expedient healing and an excellent outcome from the neck lift procedure. You will attend post-operative checks with your surgeon to support your healing at various stages. During the first week after the procedure, swelling, discomfort, and bruising are expected side effects that are well managed with prescribed pain medication, head elevation, and rest. Most patients wear a chinstrap during this time to help reduce swelling. By weeks two to three, patients can usually return to more routine activities but should still avoid strenuous exercise. While patients often return to normal activities within weeks, the complete healing process continues for several months, with scar maturation and subtle improvements in skin texture continuing and results refining themselves for up to a year post-procedure.

Pittsburgh neck lift Model smiling

Neck Lift Frequently Asked Questions

Individuals with moderate to severe signs of aging in the neck, such as sagging neck skin, muscle banding, or excess fat, may benefit from a neck lift. There is no “right age” to have a neck lift, but it is often sought by individuals who are in their 40s or older. Our surgeons carefully assess your candidacy before recommending any procedure and match you with care that can safely and effectively deliver excellent results.

While a neck lift is the gold standard for addressing more advanced signs of aging in the neck, there are several minimally invasive treatments that can improve the neck’s appearance. Skin tightening treatments with laser or RF Microneedling can address laxity and wrinkles, while injectable neuromodulators like Botox can reduce the appearance of neck banding. At Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of Pittsburgh, we begin with an in-depth consultation to learn about your goals, assess potential treatment areas, and present you with a range of options.

Yes, a neck lift can be combined with other procedures to achieve more comprehensive facial rejuvenation. Common complementary procedures include a facelift, brow lift, blepharoplasty, or various methods of non-surgical skin rejuvenation. At Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of Pittsburgh, neck lifts are typically done in combination with facelifts, as opposed to a standalone procedure.

A neck lift, like any surgery, carries potential risks, including bleeding, infection, poor healing, nerve injury, anesthesia-related complications, and unsatisfactory results. While these risks are rare, selecting a highly qualified surgeon and adhering to post-operative care can help minimize the risk of complications and ensure a safer and more successful neck lift procedure.

The longevity of results can vary from person to person, depending on individual factors and lifestyle. Most people see optimal results for seven to ten years. The aging process will continue to affect the tissues of the neck, but a neck lift helps reset the clock, making this area look youthful and sculpted for longer.

Begin Your Treatment With Pittsburgh's Best

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of Pittsburgh is your premiere facility for surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures. Take your first step toward stunning, lasting, wellness-focused results with a provider you can trust.

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